(310) 321-4926

390 N Pacific Coast Highway #1030,
El Segundo CA 90245

Remarkable Results

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Sclerotherapy continues to be the preferred treatment for smaller varicose and spider veins, and can achieve remarkable results. It is most commonly performed on the legs, but can also be used for veins on the hands, chest, and sometimes the face. The procedure is fast, easy to undergo, and virtually painless. It requires no downtime, and you can return normal activities on the same day as the procedure.

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About the Procedure (Sclerotherapy)

The procedure is quite comfortable and typically requires no anesthesia. Via a tiny needle, medication is injected directly into the problematic veins. The medication used may be a liquid or foam variety, depending on the size of the vein to be treated. In some cases, ultrasound may be used to guide the needle to the proper location. The treatment causes the veins to close and blood to be re-routed through healthy veins nearby. Depending on how extensive the veins are, the procedure lasts anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. After sclerotherapy of leg veins, you put on your compression stockings and are able to resume most normal activities.

What to Expect after Sclerotherapy

After leg vein sclerotherapy you will be asked to wear compression stockings for a brief duration. If you have received foam you may be asked to walk for 30 minutes immediately after the procedure and will be instructed not to fly for three days. While you should be able to return to work immediately, high-intensity aerobics, weight lifting, saunas and hot baths are to be avoided for one week. There are no other restrictions on activity. Early results may be seen immediately, but the healing process is gradual. Several sclerotherapy sessions are usually required to achieve desired results.

Contact us today to learn if Sclerotherapy is the Best Treatment Choice for You

Our team of experts will listen to your needs and concerns, make an accurate diagnosis, and help you learn more about sclerotherapy and other treatment options which might be just right for you.

Call now to book your appointment

Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center
390 N Pacific Coast Highway #1030
El Segundo, CA 90245