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Juvéderm and Restylane: Dermal Fillers for Static Wrinkles

Dermal Fillers

In 2021, the second most popular cosmetic procedure for women in the United States was dermal fillers. Dermal filler injections are minimally invasive procedures that don’t require any downtime, offering results against the toughest wrinkles to treat: static wrinkles. 

If you have noticed that your face is losing its fullness and are unhappy with the signs of aging on your skin, dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane can help. Read on to learn what static wrinkles are and how fillers can diminish their appearance. 

What Are Static Wrinkles?

Unlike dynamic wrinkles, which form after years of performing expressions like smiling and frowning, static wrinkles occur when your skin starts losing collagen. 

Collagen is a protein that gives smoothness to the skin, keeping it hydrated and strengthening it. As you age, your body’s collagen production decreases, making it harder for your skin to keep that youthful fullness. 

Static wrinkles are always visible, even when your face is at rest. Some examples of static wrinkles are:

Volume loss is a big cause of wrinkles and fine lines. Dermal fillers can help replace that lost volume, filling in the areas where the skin creases. 

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that we inject into areas where you would like to see a restoration of volume, a reduction of static wrinkles, and a softening of fine lines. The majority of fillers are used for anti-aging purposes, replacing volume in the subdermal skin layers and allowing your skin to regain some of its elasticity. 

We often use dermal fillers to treat:

We also offer dermal fillers for contouring purposes. If there are areas of your face you would like to define, like your jawline, cheekbones, lips, or nose, dermal fillers can provide the results you want. The lips are the most popular contouring option.

Some fillers work to reduce the appearance of scarring. If you have acne scars that do not respond to laser treatments or that are too deep, a filler can fill in the area, softening the scar. 


One line of fillers we use at our center is Juvéderm. Synthetic hyaluronic acid is the main ingredient of Juvéderm. This acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the body and contributes to the production of collagen for supple and healthy skin. 

There are various types of Juvéderm, each one tailored to tackle a specific issue you may want to resolve. Juvéderm Voluma XC, for example, is perfect for adding volume to cheeks, while Juvéderm Volbella XC is better as a lip filler. 


Another line of fillers we use at our center is Restylane. These are also gel fillers made of hyaluronic acid, and they help correct moderate to severe static wrinkles and fine lines. Restylane is an FDA-approved option perfect for lip enhancements. 

Juvéderm vs. Restylane

Although they are both made from hyaluronic acid, these fillers have some differences. Perhaps the most important difference is the texture. Restylane is more granular and stays in place better when injected, making it a good choice for increasing volume in sunken areas of the face. It is also more moldable. 

Juvéderm is smoother, providing better results for wrinkles in smaller and tighter areas of the face. It also lasts slightly longer than Restylane, offering up to a year of results. 

Preparing for Dermal Fillers

The first step is scheduling a consultation at our center. We will assess the areas you would like to treat and decide which filler option will offer the results you want. Let us know of any medications you take and tell us if you have had experiences with fillers before.

At least two weeks before treatment, with a medical provider’s support, stop taking certain medications like aspirin or ibuprofen and supplements like St. John’s wort, ginkgo biloba, primrose oil, and Vitamin E. 

A couple of days before your appointment, avoid using topical products like Retin-A and glycolic acid, as well as certain anti-aging products. The day before treatment, stop drinking alcohol. 

Dermal Filler Procedure

Arrive at our center with a face free of makeup, lotions, and sunscreen. We will apply a topical anesthetic, and then we will begin making small injections into the treatment areas. The entire appointment can take 20 to 30 minutes, allowing you to get back to your life soon after. 

Dermal Filler Aftercare

There is no downtime when you receive dermal fillers. We recommend avoiding touching your face, including rubbing or scratching at the injection sites. Do not sleep on the treated area, and do not use very hot water to wash your face. 

Most people see immediate changes after getting dermal fillers, but some types of fillers require a few days to offer the full results. The majority of fillers can last up to 12 months, but the area of injection can impact how long the results last. In the lip area, for example, fillers tend to last around six months.

Diminish Static Wrinkles with Dermal Fillers

If you have seen a loss of volume to your face that has resulted in wrinkles and fine lines, dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane can help restore some of that youthful fullness. 

At Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center in El Segundo, CA, we have various dermal filler options that can help you achieve your goals. Call us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experts. 

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