Beach Cities Vein and Laser

KYBELLA® in Los Angeles, CA

KYBELLA® Los Angeles

Struggling with a double chin despite persistent diet and exercise efforts is a common issue. Many individuals experience this with no apparent cause. For those seeking a solution without the pain or time commitment of surgery, KYBELLA offers a non-surgical alternative.

Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center in Los Angeles offers KYBELLA, a non-surgical treatment for double chin removal. KYBELLA injections target and dissolve fat cells under the chin, an area often unresponsive to diet and exercise. Chosen for its precision and effectiveness, KYBELLA refines facial contours and delivers natural-looking results with minimal downtime.


KYBELLA is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment used primarily to reduce submental fat, commonly known as a double chin. This FDA-approved injectable contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, leading to a more contoured neck profile and jawline.

Benefits of KYBELLA

Non-Surgical Alternative

Unlike traditional fat reduction methods under the chin, such as liposuction, KYBELLA injections require no surgery. This means no incisions, general anesthesia, or significant downtime, making it an appealing option for those seeking less invasive solutions.

Minimal Downtime

The treatments allow for a quick return to daily activities, often within 24 to 48 hours. While some patients may experience swelling or bruising, these side effects are typically mild and temporary.

Permanent Results

Once KYBELLA destroys fat cells in the treatment area, they are gone for good. This permanency means additional fat cannot accumulate in the treated area, offering long-lasting improvements to the chin’s contour.

Precise Targeting of Fat

KYBELLA precisely targets fat under the chin. This specificity allows customized treatment plans that effectively address individual concerns and desired outcomes.

Gradual, Natural-Looking Improvements

The results of KYBELLA appear gradually over several weeks, mimicking the natural process of fat loss. This leads to more natural-looking outcomes that don’t seem abrupt or artificial.

Customizable Treatment

The treatment plan with KYBELLA is highly customizable. Depending on the amount of fat and the desired results, the number of injections and sessions can be tailored to each individual.

Safe and FDA-Approved

KYBELLA has been thoroughly tested in clinical trials and has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating submental fullness, or double chin. This certification affirms its safety and efficacy, assuring patients regarding the high safety standards it meets.

Few Side Effects

While some patients may experience mild side effects like temporary swelling or bruising at the injection site, these symptoms typically resolve quickly and do not hinder daily activities.

Quick Treatment

KYBELLA treatments typically last 15 to 20 minutes, making KYBELLA a quick in-office service. Its convenience is unparalleled, fitting easily into even the busiest of schedules.


How Many KYBELLA Treatments Will You Need?

The number of KYBELLA treatments required varies by individual, depending on the volume of fat under the chin and the desired result. Typically, patients undergo two to four treatments, spaced at least one month apart, to achieve optimal results.

Who Is a Good Candidate for KYBELLA?

Good candidates for KYBELLA are adults with moderate to severe fat beneath the chin who prefer a non-surgical treatment option. It is important for patients to have realistic expectations and to be in good general health.

How Long Do the Results of KYBELLA Last?

The results of KYBELLA are considered permanent. The treatment destroys fat cells under the chin, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. Once these cells are gone, they cannot regenerate or store fat. Therefore, the results will last indefinitely, provided there are no significant fluctuations in weight.

How Quickly Will You See Results After a KYBELLA Treatment?

Results from KYBELLA appear gradually as the body processes and eliminates the destroyed fat cells. Many patients notice visible improvements in their chin profile within four to six weeks after treatment, with full results typically seen after two to four treatment sessions.

Will I Need to Take Time Off Work After Receiving KYBELLA?

Most patients do not need extensive time off work after receiving KYBELLA. While individual experiences may vary, most patients return to their normal activities within 24 to 48 hours post-treatment. However, some may choose to schedule a few days off due to potential swelling or bruising in the treated area.

How Should You Prepare for a KYBELLA Treatment?

Before your KYBELLA treatment, it’s important to consult with us to discuss your medical history and aesthetic goals. To prepare, you may be advised to avoid alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs for a week before treatment to reduce the risk of bruising. Following your provider’s specific pre-treatment instructions will help ensure the best possible outcome.

Is There Any Maintenance Required After Completing KYBELLA Treatments?

No ongoing maintenance treatments are typically required after achieving the desired results with KYBELLA. The destroyed fat cells cannot regenerate, making the outcome permanent. However, maintaining a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle is crucial to preserving the treatment results.

*Please note individual results may vary.

Explore Non-Surgical KYBELLA Treatments in Los Angeles, CA

At Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center in Los Angeles, CA, we specialize in several cosmetic treatments and procedures, like KYBELLA. This treatment effectively reduces submental fullness through a non-surgical approach, ensuring minimal downtime. Each treatment plan is customized to meet your unique needs, aiming for natural-looking results. Our services are available to patients in El Segundo, Manhattan Bay, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Hawthorne, and Santa Monica, making our KYBELLA treatments accessible to a broader community.

You are invited to explore the benefits of KYBELLA and how it can enhance your appearance. Schedule your consultation today to pursue the refined profile you seek; contact us online or call (310) 986-6501 for that consultation.  

KYBELLA® Treatment Before & After

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