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Minimize the Appearance of Rosacea with IPL Photofacial


Rosacea isn’t a disease, but it certainly detracts from our appearance. Parts of the face can seem flushed, and the persistent reddening effect is difficult to treat using topical creams or anti-inflammatory medications. Intense pulsed light therapy, or IPL, has been shown to improve the appearance of rosacea, especially the condition known as telangiectasia, the prominence of cutaneous blood vessels near the skin surface. To learn more about IPL photofacial, call us today at (310) 986-6500!

Also known as a photofacial rejuvenation, IPL therapy uses light energy to shrink small blood vessels and collagen. It also helps to remove skin blemishes, such as age spots, sun spots, and freckles. Rosacea is not just abnormal reddening from rash and blood vessel formation. It’s also the creation of persistent cells that are abnormal in some way. Photofacial treatments can improve the overall skin health.

Causes of Rosacea

Several theories exist, and these mostly have to do with genetics combined with environmental factors. Chronic exposure to ultraviolet rays certainly plays a role. The skin has natural defense mechanisms in place to prevent absorption of unwanted microbes. Cathelicidins are one of these defense mechanisms and promote dilation of capillaries near the skin surface. Unfortunately, some individuals have overactive cathelicidins or an unusually large concentration of these peptides.

Remodeling enzymes in too high of a concentration can also cause the skin to become abnormally reddened. Cutaneous inflammation is the result of a high count of these enzymes. Photofacial treatments have been shown to improve the appearance of the skin by lowering the concentration of cathelicidins and remodeling enzymes.

How Does It Work?

When we consult with our client, we go over the possible treatment options. If the rosacea appears to be caused by the creation of numerous enlarged capillaries near the skin surface, IPL may be a viable treatment.

The instrument used is a flashlamp that is similar to a pulse laser. The light emitted from an IPL device is broad-spectrum light. In other words, the IPL device delivers a combination of frequencies, unlike a laser that emits a single wavelength.

The pulses of light energy delivered by IPL cause collagen to shrink, and also results in constriction of tiny blood vessels. A series of three treatments, each lasting typically less than half an hour, can result in gradual improvement of the skin tone and textures.  Touch-up treatments at six and 12 months are also encouraged.

After treatment, you should note a lessening of the prominent redness because the blood vessels are constricted. Some of them will close off entirely. The skin texture is improved, and the tone is more even. The skin is more supple because collagen growth is also stimulated. Discolorations such as rosacea are far less visible than before treatment.

Get More Information

Contact Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center at (310) 986-6500.  We’re located in El Segundo and proudly serve patients from greater Los Angeles, and are happy to answer your questions about IPL treatment for rosacea and other skin discolorations.

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