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Sclerotherapy Before and After


Varicose veins are something that we have no control over. They may appear over time. While many people suffer from varicose veins, there are solutions to reduce their appearance. Sclerotherapy is a treatment specifically designed to treat varicose veins. If you struggle with varicose veins and have been looking for an effective way to treat them, you have come to the right place. At Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center, we offer varicose veins Sclerotherapy treatment for all skin types and tones. If you would like to know more about the treatment and how it can benefit you, contact us to schedule a consultation or visit us in Los Angeles. 

What Are Varicose Veins? 

Varicose veins are a group of veins that have a bulging appearance. They are usually blue or purple. Some are more apparent than others. Many people suffer from varicose veins that do not only affect their appearance. Varicose veins can cause pain and discomfort and affect your health. If you have varicose veins you will likely know that they cause aching around the affected area. Allowing varicose veins to continue to develop may lead to ulcers around your feet and ankles, a heavy feeling in your legs, and cramps in the affected area. Additionally, the skin around your varicose veins can become dry and swollen, resulting in discomfort. If you have varicose veins, it is best to treat them as soon as possible. This will avoid future issues and a negative impact on your health. 

Sclerotherapy For Spider Veins 

Varicose veins may sometimes resemble the web of a spider. These veins are called spider veins. As much as these veins are not painful or cause health threats, their appearance may still cause a problem. Many people that suffer from spider veins may not want to wear clothing that reveals their veins. Spider veins can also lead to more severe varicose veins that can cause pain and discomfort. By addressing these areas sooner rather than later, you can eliminate the possibility of your varicose veins causing problems in the future. 

What Causes Varicose Veins? 

Many factors contribute to varicose veins. Here we will discuss what they are. 

Thinned Vein Walls 

Your veins have the job of transporting blood to and from your heart. Your blood carries oxygen around your body. When your veins are subjected to large amounts of pressure, varicose veins appear. This is because the walls of your veins are very thin. Varicose veins start to develop when your veins walls are stretched by the flow of blood. 

Failure to Stop The Backwards Flow Of Blood 

One of the most common causes of varicose veins is when the blood in your veins flows backward. While there are valves in your veins to prevent the blood from flowing backward, these valves sometimes stop working, resulting in your blood flowing in the opposite direction. This is a result of your heart not actively pumping blood. The change in direction of flow causes a buildup of stagnant blood, resulting in varicose veins. Having high blood pressure may also contribute to the development of varicose veins. 

Where Do Varicose Veins Appear? 

Many areas of your body can develop varicose veins, such as your rectum, uterus, esophagus, pelvis, and vagina. However, the most common place they can be found is on your legs. 

How Do I Prevent Varicose Veins? 

While many factors contribute toward varicose veins, there are ways to reduce the chance of them appearing and sometimes even avoid them altogether. Here are some of the causes of varicose veins. Genetics is the leading cause of varicose veins. If you have a history of varicose veins in your family, you will likely have them too. 

Although the leading cause of varicose veins is not in our control, we can take measures to avoid their severity. Standing for extended periods can contribute to varicose veins. The varicose veins develop because there is a buildup of stagnant blood. This does not happen when you are running or walking because there is an increase in blood circulation during physical activity. 

Maintaining a balanced diet and keeping up with a regular exercise routine can prevent varicose veins from developing. Maintaining a stable weight encourages good blood circulation and a healthy heart which may also help to avoid varicose veins. 

What is Sclerotherapy? 

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins. It is considered to be the best varicose vein treatment on the market. The technique used in Sclerotherapy treatments is a saline substance injected into your veins. This causes your veins to become irritated and swollen. Due to this swelling, your veins become clogged. This will force your body to send blood to other veins, resulting in the treated veins dying and becoming scar tissue. Over time, your body will remove the dead tissue by dissolving and absorbing them. 

Care After Sclerotherapy 

After your treatment, moving around is an important part of recovery. This will prevent blood clots. You will wear compression bandages for about 2 weeks to maintain compression on the treated veins. You will be able to resume normal activities on the day of your treatment except for driving yourself home and doing strenuous exercise. 

Sclerotherapy Can Help You 

If varicose veins have been a problem for you, here is your solution. At Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center, we have helped many people address their varicose veins with Sclerotherapy. If you would like to know more about Sclerotherapy, contact us today to schedule your consultation, or visit our laser center in Los Angeles.

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