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SculpSure vs. CoolSculpting


It takes a lot of courage and determination to start and stick to a diet and exercise plan. Watching the weight disappear from your body and seeing how your weight loss positively affects your health, your emotions and the way others interact with you can be an exhilarating feeling.

Unfortunately, diet and exercise is not enough to help everyone reach their weight loss and body sculpting goals. Many people are plagued by stubborn pockets of fat either on their thighs, their arms, their abdomen or their love handles that refuse to go away.

Although there are surgical options to remove these stubborn fat pockets, for many people, the cost, risk and downtime associated with these procedures are not worth the results. Instead, these individuals are interested in learning about non-surgical body sculpting options that are available. The two most popular options in this category include SculpSure® and CoolSculpting®.

What is SculpSure®?

SculpSure® uses laser energy to destroy your fat cells. During the procedure, laser light is shined on your skin for approximately half an hour. The light causes the fat underneath the skin to begin to emulsify. These emulsified fat cells are absorbed by the body and removed via the body’s natural waste process. At the same time, the heat generated by the laser causes the skin around the treated area to produce more collagen. This makes the skin more elastic and serves to improve the end result after the fat loss.

Some of the benefits of SculpSure® include:

• Versatility, since it can be used on the abdomen, love handles and flanks
• Non-surgical and non-invasive
• No anesthesia required
• Minimal to no discomfort
• Most patients are treated in one session
• No downtime

It is important to note that this treatment will not produce the desired results in individuals who are significantly overweight. It serves as a body sculpting program that works with diet and exercise to give you the desired results.

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive procedure that uses cold temperatures to freeze and destroy fat cells. After the fat cells in the targeted area have been destroyed, the body eventually absorbs them, and they are removed by the body through the natural waste removal process.

SculpSure® Over CoolSculpting® for Fat Reduction

When it comes down to SculpSure® vs CoolSculpting®, CoolSculpting® has some drawbacks. These include the fact that the procedure itself takes more time to complete. Another major difference is the number of treatments needed. SculpSure® usually produces the desired results after one treatment, but CoolSculpting® requires various treatments to produce the same results.

Making the decision to take control of your appearance is a good thing. At Beach Cities Vein and Laser Center in El Segundo, we proudly offer SculpSure® as a powerful treatment that can aid you to this end. Our office serves the Los Angeles and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about SculpSure®.

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