Beach Cities Vein and Laser

Varicose Veins Los Angeles

Varicose Veins Los Angeles

Do you find yourself ignoring your favorite shorts or dresses because you are unhappy with the appearance of your legs? Are you frustrated with frequent leg pain or swelling? Many people are impacted by varicose veins, which are enlarged veins that frequently bulge from the skin and cause debilitating pain. Living with these veins can negatively affect daily life, but there are many varicose veins Los Angeles resources and treatments available. Learn more during a consultation with Dr. Mark Rayman and his team at Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center in El Segundo, CA!

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are veins that form as a result of declining form and function of veins below the surface of the skin. Vein walls can weaken, and this affects the ability of the valves in the vein to move blood up the leg. Blood may build-up, causing veins to dilate and varicose veins to form.

While varicose veins predominantly occur on the calves and thighs, there are a variety of causes of the formation, such as:

Identifying the cause of the veins can help select the best varicose veins Los Angeles treatment for you.

What Are the Impacts of Varicose Veins?

While many consider varicose veins to simply be a cosmetic concern, they may also bring on a bevy of unpleasant symptoms. Common experiences may include:

Varicose veins may also be associated with other venous conditions, particularly if left untreated. Dr. Rayman can help you understand your varicose veins Los Angeles treatment options.

What Are Varicose Veins Los Angeles Treatments?

The best treatment option for your varicose veins will largely depend on what cause the formation of the veins. A physical exam and an ultrasound can help identify the cause of the veins.

Varicose veins Los Angeles treatments available at our office include:

In addition to this treatment options, there are conservative vein treatments available, such as:

Many of these conservative treatments are changes you can make on your own, but it is important to seek the importance of a medical professional like Dr. Rayman if you have questions or concerns.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Varicose veins can be embarrassing and painful, but there are treatment options available. Contact us today at Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center and schedule your consultation to learn more about our varicose veins Los Angeles treatments! Dr. Rayman and his team proudly serve the Los Angeles area from El Segundo, California. Take the first steps to treating your veins today!

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