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What are My Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in Los Angeles?

Varicose Veins

Veins are a type of blood vessel with the purpose of returning deoxygenated blood from various body parts to the lungs and heart. In some people, veins can become thickened and enlarged. These ropey, twisted blood vessels are known as varicose veins. Although they are normally a cosmetic concern, they can also represent a health risk to some residents in Los Angeles.

Although varicose veins can form in any part of the body, they are more prevalent in the feet and legs. There is a genetic aspect to their development, and they often become more prominent as the patient grows older.

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Veins that are performing normally will not allow the backflow of blood into them, but keep blood flowing to the heart. For some reason, the valves that normally prevent the backflow of blood can fail. This causes the blood to pool in the affected vein and lead to the characteristic appearance of a varicose vein.

Some people are born with a genetic tendency that weakens their vein walls. The weakness that this causes may lead to the formation of varicose veins. In other cases, it is believed that the patient may have an insufficient number of valves or they are dysfunctional.

Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)

EVLT is a treatment for large, bulging varicose veins. This treatment is preferred by some Los Angeles patients and doctors because it is safe and effective at causing the collapse of the veins and their eventual disappearance.

If you are being considered for an EVLT, you will be given a test to see how your veins are currently performing. After the delivery of a local anesthetic, we prick your skin and insert a catheter into the problem vein. A probe is inserted into the catheter that allows us to use ultrasound to guide it.

Once we have placed the probe into proper position, thermal laser energy is delivered through it, causing your vein walls to collapse. In time, your body will absorb the destroyed vein. The blood that was once held by the vein will be reabsorbed by the rest of your body.


EVLT is most commonly utilized when symptoms like ulcers, aches, and swelling are involved. Although EVLT is commonly used in those cases, it can also be performed for purely cosmetic reasons.

To learn more about varicose vein treatment options, contact us today at Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Rayman and his team to explore which option would be best for you and your goals! We proudly serve the Los Angeles area from our office in El Segundo, California.

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