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Who Is a Good Candidate for Botox?

Botox is now America’s most widely sought out non-surgical treatment for fine lines and wrinkles in the cosmetics industry. The number of injections done every year is in the millions, and it has incredibly high approval ratings. With so many people getting this treatment, you might wonder, is it right for you? At Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center in El Segundo, CA, we can tell you everything you need to know to make that decision.

The Botox Basics

This treatment is in a class of injectables that are called neuromodulators. They achieve smoother, more youthful skin in places where wrinkling most commonly occurs. With a few gentle injections, they deliver a naturally-occurring protein that relaxes your muscles without freezing your face. As a result, you can enjoy significant improvements in your fine lines and wrinkles.

Am I a Good Candidate for Botox?

There are a few things to think about before trying this treatment. Is it a good solution for the cosmetic concerns you have and is it right for your skin type? What is the best age to try it? As far as cosmetic treatments go, Botox tends to be one that works for almost everyone, but let’s get into some more detail:

Will It Deliver Results You Want?

This treatment is primarily used to smooth out unwanted lines and wrinkles. If you are someone who wants to erase some of these signs of aging, chances are, you are a good candidate. So, are your lines and wrinkles the kind that this treatment can improve? Here is a list of the types it is available for:

As you can see, this treatment can tackle many types of wrinkles. That is because it has been in use for a long time, and has earned many FDA approvals.

Are You the Right Age?

If you are starting to see lines that were not there before, you are probably at a good age to start this treatment. Everybody’s genetics are different, so everyone’s skin changes at different rates. The right age for one person will not be the same as the right age for the next person. So, whenever you feel that you want to improve the smoothness of your skin, you can give us a call and we can get you started.

Will It Work for Your Skin Type?

Yes! This treatment is equally effective on all skin types. That’s because it actually works beneath the skin to relax the muscles that create wrinkles in the first place.

Will It Work for Your Schedule and Budget?

This treatment is one of the most cost-effective, convenient ways to get reliable anti-aging results. It is a sure way to make a big difference in the appearance of your fine lines and wrinkles. Many people find themselves spending money on over-the-counter products that simply don’t do their job. This treatment is one that actually works.

In addition to costing money, researching anti-aging products takes a lot of time. Going to different stores and ordering them online takes time, too. With this treatment, you will only need to come into our med spa a few times a year. The appointments themselves are done in about half an hour, so you can even come in on your lunch break.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Do the Results Start to Show?

Most people start seeing their fine lines fade away 2-3 days after their appointment. After approximately two weeks, you will see the full results of the treatment.

How Long Does This Treatment Last?

Months and months! Most of us can plan to enjoy the results of this treatment for about 3-4 months, and 6 months of smoother skin is not uncommon.

What Are the Other Ways People Use This Treatment?

Fine lines and wrinkles are not the only issue this treatment can address. It has also been sought out as a solution for migraines, excessive sweating, and other concerns.

What Is the Difference Between Botox and Other Neuromodulators?

You’ve probably heard more about this treatment than other neuromodulators like Dysport and Jeuveau. That’s because it was the first to hit the market, and has built up a very positive reputation. The other options are very similar, but are sold under different brands and use slightly different proteins.

Choosing which one is right for you is a question of what you, personally, prefer. Also, not all neuromodulators are available to treat the same types of facial lines. When you book a consultation with us, we can help you go over all the possibilities to determine which one is best.

What Should I Expect When I Get the Injections?

When you come in, you will get comfortable in a special room designated for the injections. We will give you a numbing agent directly on the areas you have chosen to treat. The injections are done gently and are done in about 10-15 minutes. After that, you can start right back into your normal activities.

What Should I Do Before the Injections?

We will give you all the information you need prior to your appointment. There are only a few basic things you need to do to get ready. You should discontinue anti-inflammatory medications one week before you are scheduled, and you should avoid alcoholic beverages. When you come in, make sure you have washed your face with a gentle cleanser and that your skin is makeup-free.

What Should I Do After the Injections?

One of the main reasons people choose this treatment is that there is no down time and no significant after-care! Other than taking a one-day break from your exercise routine, you don’t need to make any modifications to your schedule at all.

We’ve Got All the Answers

The best way to learn more about this treatment is to have an in-person conversation. We would like to invite you to book a free consultation and ask us all your additional questions face to face. Coming in to our med spa is the perfect opportunity to meet our staff, see our place, and get the 411. To book, give us a call anytime at (310) 906-2287.

Top Reasons to Choose This Treatment

You Can Trust the Results

If you’ve been disappointed by creams, serums, or other treatments in the past, we have good news for you. This treatment is much more effective than most of those other approaches, plus, it is not a product that you need to apply every day. You will enjoy real results that you will see every time you look in the mirror.

It’s Tried and True

This treatment comes with an incredible track record of success. It has proven itself safe, and countless people all over the world have enjoyed the results with no downsides. Compared to other solutions, it is one of the fastest, gentlest, and least invasive methods when it comes to making your skin look years younger.

No Frozen Face

Wondering how it is that you didn’t know so many people have gotten injections? It’s because the results look completely natural. Gone are the days when people had to worry about their faces looking frozen. These injections are administered in a precise way that leaves your face looking expressive and mobile.

You Don’t Need to Change Anything Else You Do

You can enjoy the results of these injections without modifying your skincare practices in any way. After getting them, you can continue your nightly skincare routine as normal. They even work well with other injectables, specifically dermal fillers. If you enjoy getting facials, that is something you can continue also.

The Benefits Are Renewable

Most people who get this treatment want to renew their results every 3-4 months, which is about how long they last. You will be happy to hear that doing so is perfectly safe. Plus, the treatment continues to be effective every time you do it. On each occasion that you top-off your injections, you will get the great anti-aging effects you look forward to.

It’s Your Skin, and You Call the Shots!

People all over the world have made Botox their anti-aging solution of choice. If you want to take control over your fine lines and wrinkles, you could be a great candidate for this treatment, too! It’s safe, natural-looking, long-lasting, and effective. Contact us at Beach Cities Vein & Laser Center in El Segundo, CA, and we will introduce you to this powerful cosmetic treatment.

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