Wrinkles and skin laxity can be a bothersome change to see as you grow older. If you are noticing that your skin is beginning to look loose on your face, neck, abdomen, arms or legs, you may be a good candidate for ThermiTight Ⓡ or ThermiSmooth Ⓡ, two technologically advanced solutions to restore younger, tighter looking skin.
What is ThermiTight Ⓡ?
ThermiTightⓇ is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment that can improve skin laxity for a more youthful appearance. This office based treatment, performed under local anesthesia, involves passage of a small cannula underneath the skin to deliver radiofrequency energy to the target area. As the tissue is heated, the collagen contracts and skin gradually tightens. Over time, new collagen formation is formed. ThermiTightⓇ can be used to treat loose skin on the neck, abdomen, arm, legs and various other parts of the body for a versatile solution to revitalize the skin.
What can I expect following my ThermiTight Ⓡ treatment?
After your treatment with ThermiTightⓇ, a wrap will be applied to the treatment area to protect the skin. You will be asked to refrain from participating in any vigorous physical activity for a few days after treatment. Some swelling of the treatment area should be expected, but this typically resolves over several days. As far as results, you may begin to notice tighter skin within two weeks of your treatment. Results tend to improve over time as new collagen formation is stimulated and the full effect may not be seen until several months later. Ultimately, results will vary from person to person.
What is ThermiSmooth Ⓡ?
ThermiSmoothⓇ is a non-surgical treatment that is used to treat fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Performed with a small handpiece, radiofrequency energy is delivered to the outside of the skin, causing collagen to contract and new collagen to form. This comfortable treatment, which many patients describe as feeling like a warm massage, is most commonly used to tighten the skin and diminish fine lines around the eyes, forehead, mid-face, and mouth.
Typically multiple ThermiSmoothⓇ treatments are needed to achieve the best results. In our practice, we recommend 3 treatments spaced 2 weeks apart, then 3 more treatments at 3 month intervals.
What can I expect following my ThermiSmooth Ⓡ treatment?
Following your treatment, you will not need to set aside downtime for a recovery and you may continue your schedule normally. You may be able to see results of a tighter facial profile within the first few days following their treatment. While their is some regression after each treatment, continued improvement is typically seen over the course of a series of treatments. Results will vary from person to person.
Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment and find out if ThermiTightⓇ or ThermiSmoothⓇ may be your key to tighter, younger-looking skin!